
Showing posts from May, 2014


I just wanted to share a poem that I wrote a few months ago. A lot of times I feel alone in the things that I am going through, like I'm the only one going through it. But I'm not, I'm sure other people are feeling this way, so this poem is for those people. You are not alone in this! Trapped Trapped. That's how I've always felt. Behind closed lips that will never tell how I truly feel. Because they can't. The truth is locked up in chains and hidden behind solid cement walls that my lips can't break through. But my hand and my pen can loosen the chains just enough for the Truth to pass through. The truth is...since he  told me I feel like nothing. Because to me  he said, "You're worth nothing to me, they  are." I feel ugly. Because to me  he said, " They are prettier than you ." I feel unlovable. Because while he said "I love you" to me, he was looking at them . All I can think is that ...

A Look in the Mirror

     I don't know about you but 95% of the time mirrors are my least favorite objects on the face of the earth. Scratch that, least favorite object in the entire universe! Why? Simple. It shows me all of my flaws. Some days I look in the mirror and think, "Hey look at that, one gigantic flaw!" or "How can so many flaws be found on such a small person?" The truth is, if I never had to look in a mirror again I would be perfectly happy.      The funny thing is that I spend a lot of time looking in a mirror or something that reflects my image. I find myself staring into the thin mirrors found on our jewelry spinners at work, computers, my phone, glass, TVs, etc. With most glances into a reflective surface the immediate thought in my head is "Ew." And I know that I am not the only one who has this problem. I'm not the only one who looks in the mirror and sees a ton of flaws like that I'm fat, some parts of my body are disproportionate, my arms are ...