FAMQ (Frequently Asked Modesty Questions)
Ahhh S U M M E R ! The season of sunny days, long nights, beach trips, adventures with your friends, and the annual modesty talk at youth group! Fun right? I know what you're thinking, " ANOTHER blog post about modesty?? Really Michaela???" Yes, another post about modesty. I've been reading a lot of other blogs lately about this topic and I agree with some things and totally disagree with others. As a girl who has recently been blamed for a guy's porn addiction, modesty has become something that I value even more than before. I have always preferred to dress modestly, even before becoming a Christian; however, I know that I was not super careful about how I dressed around B (the boy I talked about in my first post in case you missed it or forgot). If I had a shirt where my bra straps showed I didn't really care, if the shirt was a little low "Oh well, big deal it's just B." And while his addiction to porn is 100% NOT my fault I reali...